Best Mans Speech- Our Top Tips

Best Man Jokes

Best Mans speech- our top tips

 So the honour of being Best Man has fallen upon you and like every Best Man before you, you’re thinking about the Best Man’s speech. How daunting it may or may not be. It’s a great privilege to be chosen for this role but it can leave even the most confident lads feeling nervous. We all want to get it right when it’s our turn so don’t fret about it. We’ve got you covered with some of our best tips. Let’s begin! This is our Best mans speech- our top tips!


Try to stay relaxed

We know how nervous delivering the Best Man’s speech can make you feel. Try to stay calm and don’t let your nerves overcome you. If you do happen to get overwhelmed, just breathe, take a second if needed. Then carry on as if it didn’t happen. Remember that everyone is rooting for you and nobody else knows what you’ve prepared for the speech so only you will know if you’re going wrong.


Humour is good

Everyone loves a good laugh at a wedding and the Best Man’s speech is a great opportunity to get that laughter out. While you don’t need to be a stand-up comedian, silly and embarrassing stories from the Groom’s past are a great way to set the tone for the night ahead. But be careful – know the boundaries!


Compliment the Bride and Bridesmaids

You may be the Groom’s Best Man, but remember that the Bride will have gone through some stressful moments in the build up to the wedding. So make sure to let her know how beautiful she and her bridesmaids look on the big day. You could even comment on how lucky the Groom is. It’ll win you some brownie points.

Practice makes perfect

Rehearsing your speech before the big day will ensure you don’t slip up and make any mistakes. It’ll also help you deliver it in a more relaxed way and you’ll come across a lot more confident because you’ll be sure of your words. Talking to yourself in a mirror is fine if no one else sees you!

Look up from the pages

All eyes will be on you as you deliver your speech and making eye contact with people around the room can draw their attention even more and can draw out a more authentic reaction. Having your speech rehearsed before the big day will be a massive help here.  As you’ll be able to look up from what you’ve written and you’ll come across with a lot more confidence.


Finally – and while it’s not really a tip, more of a morale booster – try to enjoy yourself. The Best Man’s speech doesn’t have to be a daunting experience.  You’ve been chosen to step up to the task because the Groom believes in you and knows you’re the guy for the job so try to remember that! Use these tips to your advantage and you’ll deliver a fantastic Best Man’s speech. Good luck!


So this has been Best Mans Speech- Our top tips!



So lads, don’t forget to check out our website and also follow us on Facebook if you’re looking for more information for your Stag Party. Whether it’s activities, locations, ideas or tips, we’ve got it all!

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