Finger Food

sports matches

Finger Food for your Stag Party

Every stag party needs a bit of grub on their big day. Most groups are more interested in drinking than a big meal on the day of their stag party. Finger food is the perfect option for these groups. It’s basically what it says on the tin, goujons, mini burgers, cocktail sausages, this list is endless. This stag party idea can be combined with a stag party activity. If there is a big match on the day of your stag party why not combine it with some food. This is guaranteed to keep all the lads satisfied while watching the match as well as getting you ready for the big night ahead.

Finger food is available anywhere you go and is a really affordable option. Finger food generally is given out at a bar rather than a restaurant, which may suit a stag party much more than a sit down meal. It’s perfect for any size group. But the number of trays given out at the bar will depend on the number of lads there. Having it on the stag means that the group won’t go hungry. Generally the portions are very large and keep lads happy and prepared for the wild night that faces them.


Most bars will…

Most bars will combine finger food with a reserved seating area in a bar, meaning the whole group will stick together and are guaranteed a place in their choice of pub. If you are interested in having finger food as part of your stag party then be sure to contact the bar ahead of time. Just to be sure they can cater for you and your group. And also that it will be ready when you arrive.

Finger food is the perfect option for any stag party group. It’s sure to get you ready for the big night ahead!



So lads, don’t forget to check out our website and also follow us on Facebook if you’re looking for more information for your Stag Party. Whether it’s activities, locations, ideas or tips, we’ve got it all!

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