7 Characters You’ll See at Every Stag

7 Characters youll see at every stag

7 Characters You’ll See at Every Stag

Even if you have never been to a stag you will already know the types of guys that I’m talking about. Can any of your friends relate to the guys below? Or even worse…can you?

1. The Sober One

He’s the ‘I don’t need to drink to have fun’ kind of guy, (yes…yes you do John) and therein lies the problem! Nobody talks to him and everyone feels kind of bad about it.

Not bad enough to go and talk to him though.

Poor John.

2. The Selfie Obsessed

So there’s always one! Even though photos aren’t as popular with the stag as they are with the hens there’s still one lad that never fails to bring the camera. Just make sure you tell him not to put any of the evidence on Facebook! If we can’t see it, it didn’t happen! FACT!

3. The Costume Goer

Nobody wants to be that guy. He insists that all the lads dress up in the most ridiculous costumes.. Or even worse….. novelty t-shirts, whose names never live up to the guys wearing them! Only wear novelty t-shirts if you can pull it off like this guy – It’s so bad it’s good!


4. The ‘I Forgot My Wallet’ Dude

Yeah and pigs can fly! we are sick of this of this guy (repeat offender)! Guess who’s getting tied to a lamppost at the end of the night? So we don’t think you’ll ‘forget’ to bring your wallet the next time.

5. The Sports Mad

He arrives at the stag ready for a jam packed weekend of activities… but not the kind of activities some of the other lads have in mind. This guy is ready to don his camouflage gear and pretend he is a real life super hero in a paintball warfare, he’s pumped for an adventure seeking thrill in a quad bike among the rugged terrain, but instead the lads would rather drink their money away watching a match in the pub. Sorry dude maybe next time!


6. The Prankster

So this is the one you really need to watch out for. There might even be a few so be on your guard at all times… and by all times I mean whenever you’re able to fully function, which will probably be very little of the time (#50 shades of drunk!) so basically you’re screwed! Enjoy having one of your eyebrows shaved off, a mars bar put down your pants while you sleep and getting a bottle of tan smothered all over you! And that’s just the groom!

7. The Hero

Even after he has consumed more alcohol than anyone else that night he’s still standing on both feet. What a champ. So, we salute you, sir!!

But remember lads… what happens at the stag party stays at the stag party!



So lads, don’t forget to check out our website and also follow us on Facebook if you’re looking for more information for your Stag Party. Whether it’s activities, locations, ideas or tips, we’ve got it all!

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